The 8Ds Principle You Need To Know

Aatir Abdul Rauf


Aatir Abdul Rauf


Aug 22, 2022

The 8Ds Principle You Need To Know

If you want to excel as a Product Manager, make sure you've got the 8Ds covered.

1. Domain

Become the most knowledgeable about your industry. Convert those insights into your competitive advantage.

2. Discovery

Research your customers thoroughly. Interview & observe them. Be a detective.

3. Data

Learn how to sanitize it, interpret it & benchmark it. Note: Data without action is like a bow without an arrow.

4. Differentiation

Figure out how you can solve a customer problem better than others.

5. Design

Aim for functionally elegant design with a low learning curve & delightful UX.

6. Discernment

Analyze all sides to a problem. While planning a future release, think about how it gels with what already exists. Traverse the edge cases. Beware of caveats.

7. Decisions

You'll have to call the shots. Not just the big ones, but several small ones too. Remember: the small ones add up to be pretty big in the long run.

8. Delivery

Talk is cheap. Nothing has been achieved unless you ship & place the product in your customer's hands.

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