Curiosity Is Key To A Great Customer Service

Aatir Abdul Rauf


Aatir Abdul Rauf


Aug 22, 2022

Curiosity Is Key To A Great Customer Service

It was the first time I was going to be the odd one out.

Year 2000.

As I packed my school bag, I felt nervous.

I had just been admitted to the A Levels class at Bangladeshi Intl school in Dammam. I was going to be one of the 2 Pakistanis that attended the school.

I was afraid of being singled out.

I had heard that Bangladeshis didn't like my kind.

And that I'd struggle since I didn't know a single word of Bangla.

The reality?

Completely the opposite.

In the year that followed, I had the time of my life.

I hit it off with some of the coolest, warmest & insanely intelligent teenagers in the country.

I realized how similar we were.

The same insecurities. Familiar family dynamics. The love for cricket.

And I was fascinated to learn about their community.

Their choice of words. Simple tastes. Appreciation for small gestures. Patriotic.

That, no, they didn't eat fish at every meal.

Extremely well-knit, news traveled like wildfire among them.

I cherish those days.

As a PM, this reaffirms how important it is to spend time with your customers. In their habitat.

Never build against pre-conceived notions & stereotypes.

Dialog alone can uncover insights tucked away behind curtains no one dared to pull away

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