A Quick Lesson On Product Strategy

Aatir Abdul Rauf


Aatir Abdul Rauf


Aug 7, 2022

A Quick Lesson On Product Strategy

Have you ever run out of memory when trying to install a big app on your phone?

It's frustrating.

When this happens, I go on to this quest to delete stuff I don't need.

Sorting the folders by size/type typically reveals something like:

1. Videos: 50 GB

2. Images: 2 GB

3. Docs: 800 MB

Now, which folder do you open first to clean up?

The videos, obviously.

Because that's where the biggest opportunity is.

A few files tossed out might open up tons of space.

That line of thinking is how a product strategy fundamentally works.

It's ultimately a framework which helps you identify where the biggest upsides are.

The ability to focus efforts on a few high value opportunities rather than spreading thin is one of the most prized assets of a great product manager.

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