5 Marketing Tips For Google Analytics

Aatir Abdul Rauf


Aatir Abdul Rauf


Aug 22, 2022

5 Marketing Tips For Google Analytics

5 Google Analytics tips for SaaS Product Marketers managing a marketing site:

1) Find power user traits

Wondering what kind of users often discover you?

Tip: Go to the Audience Reports in GA & check out the Affinity categories & in-market segments.

Very useful to identify who your power users are (& potentially create a segment to keep an eye on them).

2) Track Key Funnels in your product

For key actions like checkout flows, use the Behavior Flow report to see how traffic converts from one page to another.

Identify the bottleneck & plan tests to improve.

3) Monitor causality of external events

Acute traffic dips/spikes are often associated with what's happening in the real world.

A long weekend, news coverage, national holiday are a few examples. Add annotations to keep a record of these.

4) Understand converting referral paths

Most users convert after multiple visits to the site.

Ex: first visit might be from organic, then from social & then direct.

The Top Conversion Path surfaces this & highlights what marketing efforts are working.

5) Man the exits

Users eventually have to exit your site.

But you need to verify they don't exit at the wrong time e.g. a purchase funnel. The Exit Paths report helps you inspect this.

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