5 Characteristics Of A Productive Entrepreneur

Aatir Abdul Rauf


Aatir Abdul Rauf


Sep 26, 2022

5 Characteristics Of A Productive Entrepreneur

5 things I've noticed about effective entrepreneurs that I've had the honor to work with:

1. They have an uncanny knack to find exceptional talent

They somehow also find a way to sell the vision in a manner that inspires even top-billed people to jump aboard even if that means short term losses.

2. They're incredibly perceptive

Every time I've shown a test build, proposal or prototype to them, they would X-ray the deliverable & naturally gravitate to the few flaws I had left behind.

3. During sales, their discovery process is clinical

Their demo calls are discovery-heavy. Once they've learned enough about their prospect, they naturally penetrate their defenses by asking questions that open them up. Either the prospect buckles or plays the ego card.

An effective entrepreneur asks questions to open their prospects

4. When times are good, they find ways to double down & keep ramping up. No complacency

When times are bad, they MacGyver their way out of the tight spot by quick pivots and perseverance.

5. They have BS radars pre-installed

They'll call you out even before you complete the sentence.

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